Movement shock protection demo

You may have seen Ian hanging from a crane testing our bracelets?

This clip is a little more technical | how we go about protecting our movements from shocks shows how our experience from the world of extreme sport allows us to think differently and create the most effective shock reduction system in a watch.

Instead of a plastic movement clip, the movements in our watches are held inside a steel disc, recessed to hold the movement. The disk has inertia due to it's mass so that when it is suspended inside the watch by a series of shock absorbing 'dampers', whenever the watch takes a harsh knock, the whole assembly tries to remain stationary. When it does start to move, the severity of the shock is reduced by the shock absorbing properties of the dampers it is suspended by.

It's elegance comes from the simplicity of the physics in play and is so effective it has even withstood the force of several explosions during some extreme testing.

It's a great example of what can be achieved when you combine two engineering brains with 40+ years of unique watch making experience.

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